Q: How does one know Teak Week was a success?

A:  The Local Wildlife comes by to admire your work.

I’d just started to put the rub rails back on the yacht after three coats of Cetol Teak and two coats of Cetol Gloss when I heard bubbles coming from underneath the boat.  I was a little confused.  After six days of working on the boat… suddenly a new and different sound.   Then, I spotted my guest.  The biggest dang manatee I’d ever seen.  He surfaced, breathed a little, and then went back down underneath the boat.  This scenario actually happened twice more before it dawned on me I should trade my screwdriver for a camera.
So here are two pics.

He parked himself under the yacht and surfaced about six times each after about five minutes. Twice he hung around and blew water out like he was playing….. Maybe he was trying to help… Who knows?

Spill the Wine – Teak Week 2015


  1. Beautiful job for sure! I agree with the Manatee. Note: I have now added your RSS feeds to the www.IPYOA.com site. Thank you for sahring your site with the fleet.
    Hayden in the Bahamas


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