Once we left Georgetown in the Exumas, we headed to Emerald Bay again for a few days until some weather passed, and then, perhaps because we had endured our fair share of headwinds, and perhaps Neptune had finally started to feel sorry for us.... everything changed, and not just for the better... the best! It’s true, "Fair Winds and Following Seas" are the way to go! We sailed from Key Largo to Key West, back to Key Largo... to Nassau, down to Georgetown, back to Nassau, and then to Hilton Head, South Carolina, on one tank of diesel. The trip from Georgetown to Baltimore, some 1400 nautical miles was some of the most pleasant weather and sailing imaginable... Thank you Neptune. Spill The Wine flying her spinnaker in the Bahama's Northwest Channel We had just shoved off from Nassau with the intention of sailing thru the night, returning to the United States, when we noticed another sail boat was on the same track. It wasn't long before we...